Ministries of Discipleship & Teaching

Go and make disciples...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

Matthew 28:19,20
Becoming a Christian involves much more than confessing Christ and being baptized, it involves accepting Christ's lordship in our life and embracing a lifestyle that affects everything we do.  Just as Jesus worked daily with his disciples, teaching them how to live, we too are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2) and being changed into the likeness of Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:18).  We look forward to that glorious day when he shall return, and we shall be like him (John 3:3-4).  The ministries of discipleship and teaching are all designed to assist in that transformation process.

Many of these ministries are targeted for peer groups in our congregations (i.e. youth groups, parents, newlyweds, singles and senior citizens).  There are times when people who have common needs and common situations can find help best from their peers.  Many times, however, the help and advice we need is not available from our peers.  We need to listen and learn from those who have already been where we are.  The scriptures instruct our older brothers and sisters to teach the younger.  To help implement that principle at Quaker Avenue, we also provide opportunity for mentoring in which our older members are available to the younger ones for spiritual fellowship and counsel.

All these programs are designed to assist us in becoming more like Christ.  Making us like him is one of the most important tasks Christ accomplishes through his spirit.  He is our example, our model.  Whether the ministry is a Bible study or a sports activity, the goal is to make us all more Christ-like.  Perhaps one of these ministries is where you will fit in best at Quaker Avenue.

all ages

Life Institute

During the fall and spring semesters courses are offered, primarily online, via the South Houston Bible Institute. These courses are free of charge and available for credit at the Institute or, if you prefer, can be audited. Courses are available on Biblical text, spiritual growth, church history and ministry.

Life Groups

Members are encouraged to become involved in our small group ministry called "Life Groups."  These groups provide opportunity for building spiritual relationships through praying for one another, studying together and sharing fellowship in the Lord.  Opportunities exist to host and lead these groups.

young children

His Kids

Each Sunday at the end of the service our pre-school and elementary children are dismissed to the Youth room for a story time.  Though these devotionals are short and simple, the children enthusiastically look forward to them each week.  Various members conduct the story time.

Quaker Kids

This is a ministry to our elementary children on Wednesday evenings.  The children learn and develop relationships through a wide variety of programs as well as significant involvement from older students and adults.

youth & young adults

Junior/Senior High

On Sunday evenings and Wednesday evenings our junior and senior high students meet for devotionals and fellowship.  Several members provide support for these ministry times.


Our college students are encouraged to participate in our life groups and develop relationships with older members.  In addition, various activities are planned throughout the year to provide fellowship.

Summer Excitement

Each summer in June the congregation hosts between 100-200 young people for a week-long leadership school on the campus of Lubbock Christian University. The week requires scores of volunteers for multiple tasks (preparing meals, manning concession stands, transport and set up of equipment, registration of students, planning party events and general clean up, just to name a few tasks). College students serve as counselors to the young people.


Each summer several members assist in providing a special half-week of spiritual lessons and activities designed to encourage our elementary age children.  


Ladies' Study

On several Wednesday evenings throughout the year our ladies are encouraged to attend Bible studies especially designed for women's spiritual growth.  Periodically they also provide programs that give opportunity for older women to spiritually mentor  our younger women.

Ladies' Retreat

In addition, the ladies plan special gatherings for spiritual teaching and encouragement.  Sometimes these gatherings focus on the ladies at Quaker Avenue ; sometimes they sponsor a regional retreat, bringing in outstanding speakers and providing rich fellowship.

Marriages & Families

Tell Me My Story

This is a family Bible study curriculum given to each family at Quaker. It was developed by our leaders to provide families a systematic study of 48 "essential" stories of the scriptures, which provide a spiritual foundation for faith development. These stories are used as the foundation for our children's study, His Kids.

Family Matters

From time to time several workshops and seminars are offered to address various marriage and family issues, ranging from programs like preparation for marriage, marriage enrichment, parenting and family discipleship, step-parenting and divorce care and financial stewardship.

From Glory to Glory

Frequently  we offer a special opportunity for families to meet together with their children to discuss several issues surrounding the decision to become a disciple of Jesus and be baptized. The course may be a weekend experience, or it may be carried out over several weeks depending on the participating families' schedule. The studies highlights 7 selected stories from the Tell Me My Story curriculum and provides  experiential learning activities that facilitate parent-child interaction.