Ministries of Benevolence & Loving Our Neighbor

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me…whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”

Matthew 25:35,36,40
A man once came up to Christ and asked him what the greatest commandment was. Jesus answered, "love the Lord thy God with all your heart and with all your strength and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself."  The man responded, who is my neighbor?  Jesus answered his question by telling the story of the good Samaritan.  The story teaches that our neighbor is anyone who is in need.  As Jesus has told us, when we serve the "least of these" we are serving him.  If we desire to be like Jesus, we must become merciful and gracious servants of those around us who are in need. If we desire to be Christ's church, doing Christ's work, we must be active in the ministries of benevolence.

Probably nothing else we do as Christians reflects more clearly to the world the presence of Jesus than the works of charity.  In the days of the early Christians, the pagans often wrote of them, "see how they love!"  It was not uncommon for unbelievers to seek out the Christians when they were in great need because they knew they would find compassion and help without condemnation or judgment.  Not all of these people became Christians (though certainly many did!) but these works of charity were not merely an evangelistic strategy;  they were simply the natural outflowing of love and mercy which occurs in people when they themselves have received love and mercy from God.

There are many opportunities to become involved in benevolent work at Quaker Avenue.  Please look over these and see if one of these ministries looks like something that you could enthusiastically participate in.

Benevolence Fund

Once a month a special collection is taken to be used for those in special need, both in the congregation and in our community.  Though these funds are generally administered by the staff, they are available to be used by members who are aware of special needs.

Carpenter's Kitchen

Two to three times a year, Quaker members serve a Sunday lunch to the poor in our community.  The ministry is overseen by the Broadway Church of Christ and is done at the Youth Reach building at the corner of Main St. and Ave S.

Homeless Ministry

We are involved, along with several other churches in Lubbock, with multiple homeless ministries in the community including Open Door, Family Promise, and Hope Shalom. These ministries have many needs for volunteers and resources, providing meals, overnight shelter during cold weather, collection of warm clothing and other items and general fellowship.  There is great opportunity to serve through these ministries.

Ronald McDonald House Meals

Once a month, meals are prepared and served for the resident families who are at the McDonald House.  These families have children who have been hospitalized with serious illnesses or injuries.